
December 26, 2009
Robert and Joel Medlin, brothers, settled in Richland County from NC around 1832. Robert married Mary Massey and had at least three sons, Isaac, Bryant, and Calvin. To reply click on blue name heading to reply and see replies.

Col. Henry Fox

December 25, 2009
Colonel Henry Fox received land on the Wateree and Santee Rivers in 1764. He later moved onto the land now Ft. Jackson and operated mills on Colonel's Creek, named after him, maintaining a large acreage of land. His decendants spread into Lexington County. One, John Fox, was a prominent citizen of Lexington, SC and his home is one of the main buildings of the Lexington County Museum. Click on blue name heading to reply and see replies.


December 10, 2009


Among the Robertses who made the South Carolina midlands their home was Phillip Roberts III, who married Mary Ann Evans, a Richland County native. They owned a plantation in what is now lower Richland County, and accumulated a sizable estate. The Roberts records in this website focus on the family and descendants of Phillip and Mary Ann Evans Roberts, although other lines are also explored. Phillip Roberts parents were Phillip Roberts and Sarah Kirtley. His grandaparents were Phillip Roberts and Mary Jordan. Phillip was from the Highlands of Scotland and Mary was born in NC.

The Roberts family is closely related to the beginnings of Methodism in Richland County, especially in lower Richland. When Susan Ann Roberts Freeman died, her obituary noted that “She was a member of one of the pioneer families of Methodism of this section of the county.” Members of the Roberts family were charter members of the Brown’s Chapel, Main Street, and Shandon Methodist churches. Many of the Brown’s Chapel families were displaced by Fort Jackson and that church has long been closed. But Main Street and Shandon churches are still strong Columbia churches. Many Columbia-area United Methodist churches have had Roberts family connections over the years.

Descendants of Phillip and Mary Ann have contributed strongly to the business, social and religious life of Columbia and Richland County.

The Roberts information from the Genealogy Jam with submission by Jim Hepler. Click family name header to post a reply and see replies.



December 6, 2009
According to census records Tyson Campbell was born in 1849. He married Joanna Young. Their son Samuel Edward Campbell was born 1868 in Congaree, SC. Samuel's wife was Mary, maiden name unknown. Samuel and Mary Campbell had the following children: (1) Dewey Hobson, b, 1898, married Bernice Shannon, (2) E. T., (3) Lee, (4) Cloyd K., (5) Claytor K. & (6) Marion.  

Samuel Edward Campbell's other known brothers and sister: (1) James, (2) Marion, (3) Julian, (4) Walter, (5) John W. (6)  & (7) Leilah. Bernice Shannon was the daughter of Leonard Taylor Shannon and Agnes Ella Bloom Wise.
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Howell and Strickland

December 3, 2009
When I was a teenager I asked all of my grandparents the names of their parents.
How I wish I had asked them more information. It was many, many years later that
I started my search and, of course, my grandparents weren't around to ask. If only..
I had asked more and remembered. If only the census had started sooner. If only
the census had included the names of the members of the household sooner. If
only there were birth certificates and death certificates and marriage license sooner.
But there wasn't so we look for clues and paper trails. If everyone puts their pieces
of the puzzles together maybe we will find some answers.
I am descended from Thomas Howell, born about 1790, who married Mary Wooten
(or possibly she was Mary Trapp). To date I have not been able to connect Thomas
to his parents although we have some educated guesses.
I am descended from Abel Strickland, born about 1820-1822 in South Carolina, who
married Martha (unknown). Somewhere there may be a document as to their parents.
Somewhere there may be someone still living that remembers stories passed down
or has papers passed down. We hope to get as many people as possible to join
our search.  Talk to the older members of the family. ask about old paperwork, ask
to hear family stories passed down through the generations. Connected to our families
are many other families and the answers may come from "cousins" you didn't even know
were related. A few of the families that connect to mine are Martin, Medlin, Goins,
Hammond, Corder, Griffin, Whittle, Corley, Berry and so many more. I recently found out
that a man who was on the police force with my father was his cousin. I always thought he
was just a family friend. Please reply to the messages with any information you have to
share. Possibly we have information you are looking for too. 
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This Howell/Strickland Information posted for Brenda Laney. Contact her @


December 2, 2009
Johanes Stephen Eleazer/Ellisor was born in Germany in 1720. He migrated to America and settled in Spring Hill in now Lexington County. Spring Hill is known today as Chapin. A John Ellisor received a land grant in Craven County on Little River in 1772. These are most likely the same person and thus began the descendancy of the Ellisor family in Richland and Lexington Counties.
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Blizzard Family

November 24, 2009

The information below is from the  Blizzard, Gunter, & Pool Family Heritage Web Site by Barbara Neel Blizzard.

Our ancestor Jacob Blizard Sr, born about 1780 in Richland County, South Carolina, married Mary Gill, daughter of Valentine Gill, son of James Gill, son of David Gill who is said to be the son of Stephen Gill. Mary was the only child of Valentine Gill's unknown first wife. For more information on the Gill family, visit Dr. Frank Clark's webpage. Jacob Blizard and Mary Gill had a son named Volantini. Valentine was born in Barnwell, before the family moved to Blythewood, Fairfield County in 1810, as stated earlier. He married Elisabeth who was born in North Carolina. Their son Pvt. James Thomas Blizzard married Lizzie Lee. James T. joined the C.S.A. in 1861, stationed in Columbia, not far from home.

James Thomas Blizzard's orphaned son James Arthur, lived with his grandparents Valentine and Elisabeth Blizzard. James later said that Elisabeth was very strict with him, so when he was about 16 or 17 years old he hopped a train for the great west. That is, he went west of Columbia, SC to Aiken County. James Arthur. aka "Thomas," Tillman's grandfather, ran away from his grandparents because he argued with his grandmother.

James changed his name to Thomas Arthur Blizzard so he couldn't be found, but later wrote to his grandparents to let them know where he was. He kept the name Thomas Arthur Blizzard for the rest of his life and is buried under that name in Kings Grove Cemetery located near Pelion on Hwy 178. Thomas is buried next to his wife Theoxena "Locky" Spires.
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Shannon Family

November 24, 2009

Thomas Shannon settled from Virginia to Chester County prior to the Rev. War. He served as a mounted horseman during the war with the rank of Captain. He was in the Battle of Kings Mountain along with the Battle of Mobley Meeting House. His grandson, David Shannon and wife Sarah Wages, resettled from Chester County to Richland County and were the progenitors of the many Shannon descendants now living in Richland & Lexington Counties..
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Wise Family

November 23, 2009
John Wise Sr. settled from Lexington County (Bull Swamp) between 1853 and 1855 to Richland County, first settling on Cedar Creek near Gadsden. He later moved his family onto the land now Ft. Jackson. John Wise built the Messer Mill Pond. He was a sawmiller. John Wise Jr, purchased land on Colonel's Creek and operated a store and mill. He was a jack of all trades, building houses, chimneys, surveying, and mill operations. After the army purchased his land they hired him to help in surveying the new military post. He relocated to Swansea in Lexington County.
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About Me

I spent my younger days listening to my mother's recollections of her growing up on the land now Ft. Jackson. I remembered many of these stories but like most young people my interest was not the same as it is today. Mother was born in 1900 and was a wealth of information. One day I wondered if there were other people like me who may have interest in rekindling the past of our ancestors. I thought perhaps a reunion would be in order. Our first reunion in 2008 drew 100 people with the 2009 bringing 138. Never would I have ever thought there would be this kind of interest. My wishes are for this reunion to continue so that future descendants will be able to know about and appreciate our ancestors of long ago.
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